Friday, June 24, 2011 @6:53 AM
♥My Thoughts :What a year
What a year ! There's a lot of good things and bad things happening this year. How enjoyably terrible ! Anyways, june holidays was tiring yet enjoyable to be the least. Though what happened after the holiday really ruined the whole thing. Though , i'm not bothered by it one bit. I'll just continue to live on with the rest of my life. Yeah. Recently i've become fond of this somewhat old forum-based thread story in that website that always creeps me out : 4chan. It was in the /tg/ and what caught my eye was the unquestionably cute ms paint characters and the people saying how good the story is . Out of curiosity i read it. And believe me, it was really confusing at first. It's not actually a story , but more of a game-quest thing. Its on the /tg/ forums . The plan is that the users of the forums can control the characters in said story by telling them what to do , and the action that was asked by the majority will be used. It's really hard explaining how this thing works. here's the link . It's the wiki page ( contains some spoilers ) of the quest game thing i was talking about. It's called Ruby quest and it's made by some guy named Weaver. Also , theres another one called Nan quest made by the same guy . Here's the link . It's still in progress though. Also , enjoy this heart-warming motivational i found